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Men en seriös test hittar ni här:


Inte speciellt kul, men som sagt seriös. Jag är en ENTJ person.

Jag är en ENFJ. 😄

Famous ENFJs:

David, King of Israel

U.S. Presidents:

Abraham Lincoln

Ronald Reagan

Jovars, det låter bra 😆
ENFJs are global learners. They see the big picture.
The ENFJs focus is expansive. Some can juggle an amazing number of responsibilities or projects simultaneously.
Det låter som mig... 😄
Many ENFJs have tremendous entrepreneurial ability.
Such a one is the eNFj, thus rightly called the educative mentor or Teacher for short.
Jahopp, då tar jag rollen som mentor här då 😆
Teachers have the charming characteristic of taking for granted that their expectations will be met, their implicit commands obeyed, never doubting that people will want to do what they suggest. And, more often than not, people do, because this type has extraordinary charisma.
Say again? 😆 Redigerat av Linus
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Jag är en ISFJ
Protectors do well in many careers that have to do with conservation: curators, private secretaries, librarians, middle-managers, police officers, and especially general medical practitioners. To be sure, the hospital is a natural haven for them; it is home to the family doctor, preserver of life and limb, and to the registered nurse, or licensed practical nurse, truly the angels of mercy. The insurance industry is also a good fit for Protectors.
While their work ethic is high on the ISFJ priority list, their families are the centers of their lives. ISFJs are extremely warm and demonstrative within the family circle--and often possessive of their loved ones, as well.
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Crafters live a life of artful action, but their particular nature is most easily seen in their mastery of tools of any and all kinds, from microscopic drill to supersonic jet, from potter's wheel to grand piano, from a camera to a clarinet.
Most of us use tools in some capacity, of course, but Crafters (only ten per cent of the general population) are the true virtuosos of tool work, with a natural ability to command tools, to bend them to their wishes, and to become adept at all the crafts requiring tool skills.
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Visar tydliga INTP-tendenser i att jag gjorde om testet tre gånger då jag var osäker på vilket svar som faktiskt passade bäst på mig.

Först blev jag en ENTP:

"Clever" is the word that perhaps describes ENTPs best.

Okej, tack! 😆

Sen då INTP:

INTPs are pensive, analytical folks. They may venture so deeply into thought as to seem detached, and often actually are oblivious to the world around them.
Haha, hmm, det stämmer väl...
A major concern for INTPs is the haunting sense of impending failure. They spend considerable time second-guessing themselves.
Ja, det stämmer också, det var därför jag gjorde om testet tre gånger, goddamnit! 😆🙂

Sen blev jag en INTj:

INTJs know what they know, and perhaps still more importantly, they know what they don't know.
Tja, ja, det kanske låter som jag också...
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You are a Casio Sk-1

-you are a very lo tech toy from the 80's who is treasured for its sampling capabilities

-you are a nerd

-you are extremly small

-you are a great listener

-you have a simple style and personality

-you are very cheap

-you have a great sense of humor

-you are the most fun to be with

edit: och det är jag riktigt nöjd med.

Redigerat av VacUm
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You are a Casio Sk-1

-you are a very lo tech toy from the 80's who is treasured for its sampling capabilities

-you are a nerd

-you are extremly small

-you are a great listener

-you have a simple style and personality

-you are very cheap

-you have a great sense of humor

-you are the most fun to be with

edit: och det är jag riktigt nöjd med.

Ja, Steelguitarljudet är inte att leka med! 😲

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Det här är jag:

You are a Casio Sk-1

-you are a very lo tech toy from the 80's who is treasured for its sampling capabilities

-you are a nerd

-you are extremly small

-you are a great listener

-you have a simple style and personality

-you are very cheap

-you have a great sense of humor

-you are the most fun to be with

Du å ja, Hilmer! Du å ja! 😲

Jag blev det också.

Tihi... Jag meed!!! 🙂

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You are a MiniMoog

-Everyone wants you

-You are very popular

-You have a vintage look and unique personality

-You are loved by indie rockers the world over

-You are a leader and always get the melody


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Jag är en ISFJ
...the hospital is a natural haven for them; it is home to the family doctor, preserver of life and limb, and to the registered nurse, or licensed practical nurse, truly the angels of mercy. The insurance industry is also a good fit for Protectors.

Det ser ut som att jag hamnat lite snett här i livet. 😆

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"You are a MiniMoog" ..Jag som ville vara en DX7 😄

Många äro kallade men få äro utvalda::::::::::: 🙂

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Jag är en solklar ENTJ,, men om det är bra?!

"I don't care to sit by the window on an airplane. If I can't control it, why look?"

Famous ENTJs:

U.S. Presidents:

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Richard M. Nixon

Benny Goodman, "Big Band" leader

General Norman Schwarzkopf

Harrison Ford

Steve Martin

Whoopi Goldberg

Sigourney Weaver

Margaret Thatcher

Al Gore (U.S Vice President, 1993-2001)

Lamar Alexander (former governor, US Secretary of Education)

Les Aspen, former U.S. Secretary of Defense

Candace Bergen (Murphy Brown)

Dave Letterman

Newt Gingrich

Patrick Stewart (STNG: Jean Luc Picard)

Robert James Waller (author: The Bridges of Madison County)

Jim Carrey (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask)

Steve Jobs

Penn Jillette

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You are a Casio Sk-1

-you are a very lo tech toy from the 80's who is treasured for its sampling capabilities

-you are a nerd

-you are extremly small

-you are a great listener

-you have a simple style and personality

-you are very cheap

-you have a great sense of humor

-you are the most fun to be with

Ljuvligt.. jag har faktiskt en sån

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USCH!!! 🙂

Skulle aldrig få för mig att köpa ett sånt monster.

You are a Korg Triton

-You have multi-sampled preset sounds ranging from opera to bongos and a fancy touch screen control pannel

-you are f'cking new school

-very modern and hi tech

-you have to have the latest and best of everything

-you think you are better than everyone

-you probably like house or trance or somthing like that

Om man bortser från övre frasen kunde man väll sätta en Nord Lead eller JP-8000. Hade vart mer passande. Avskyr samplingsbaserade syntar.

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Fett ox paraflax!

You are a Korg Triton

-You have multi-sampled preset sounds ranging from opera to bongos and a fancy touch screen control pannel

-you are f'cking new school

-very modern and hi tech

-you have to have the latest and best of everything

-you think you are better than everyone

-you probably like house or trance or somthing like that

-you have to have the latest and best of everything-Nej

-you think you are better than everyone-Absolut inte

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  • 6 månader senare...

vad är det här för något, gör man ett test där det fastslås vilken synt man är?

tror inte på sådant men framhåller att jag är en Oberheim OB-8 eller en Polymoog om jag själv får välja, i 3:e hand Jupiter-8 och i 4:e hand Korg TRIDENT...den har ni inte fingrat på väl... 😆

edit: gjorde testet och vad var det jag sa...inte en siffra rätt---Korg triton..new school osv osv vilket jag absolut inte är, dessutom var det ett flertal alternativ som överhuvudtaget inte passar just mig, som med alla såna här Aftonbladet standards!

Redigerat av Florian le Sage
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You are a Korg Triton

-You have multi-sampled preset sounds ranging from opera to bongos and a fancy touch screen control pannel

-you are f'cking new school

-very modern and hi tech

-you have to have the latest and best of everything

-you think you are better than everyone

-you probably like house or trance or somthing like that


Lirar nyckelharpa... "very modern and hi tech" 😆😆

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