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Den allmänna snacktråden, 2018 (alias Längstah)


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2 timmar sedan, Dark Of Light säger:



1 timme sedan, Neosus säger:



1 timme sedan, slejnard säger:



51 minuter sedan, Vesuvius säger:



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Mina sångråd på "complete vocal technique"-gruppen på facebook.

- Hey everyone! I’m new here, I wanted to know if you were able to develop a “mixed voice” and how you got it, thanks in advance :)

it requires muscle strength (tounge).

- Yes I know, but I’m asking for personal experiences and exercises

Begin at the bottom of the tounge to stretch it inwards and upwards VERY HARD (actually, the best would be that the tounge forms into a circle, but it's difficult).
And then try to sing at the same time this strength or friction in the voice is. Try any wovels, even screaming.
It's a little like learning to play a piano with two hands, to me. You now also have the tounge to focus on, and not just the getting the song out.

- wow thanks! It sounds really difficult, where can I find some examples?

The more you stretch and pull the tounge inwards and upwards, the more heaviness is possible to apply to the voice. However...
Remember that only the tounge should be tensed. Not the throat.

Preferebly is the to place the push/force in the nose area however the sensation resonates all around the mouth area and even head [area].
You may also want to imagine/build a foundation/firmness of the song where the tounge usually rests.

For excellence I'd suggest the tone to be firmly and only pushed downwards (imagine a depth that keeps increasing). Practise, practise!

I imagine the tone flowing in circles though too... like a tounge whirl...

Redigerat av ewroL
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1 timme sedan, ewroL säger:

Mina sångråd på "complete vocal technique"-gruppen på facebook.

- Hey everyone! I’m new here, I wanted to know if you were able to develop a “mixed voice” and how you got it, thanks in advance :)

it requires muscle strength (tounge).

- Yes I know, but I’m asking for personal experiences and exercises

Begin at the bottom of the tounge to stretch it inwards and upwards VERY HARD (actually, the best would be that the tounge forms into a circle, but it's difficult).
And then try to sing at the same time this strength or friction in the voice is. Try any wovels, even screaming.
It's a little like learning to play a piano with two hands, to me. You now also have the tounge to focus on, and not just the getting the song out.

- wow thanks! It sounds really difficult, where can I find some examples?

The more you stretch and pull the tounge inwards and upwards, the more heaviness is possible to apply to the voice. However...
Remember that only the tounge should be tensed. Not the throat.

Preferebly is the to place the push/force in the nose area however the sensation resonates all around the mouth area and even head [area].
You may also want to imagine/build a foundation/firmness of the song where the tounge usually rests.

For excellence I'd suggest the tone to be firmly and only pushed downwards (imagine a depth that keeps increasing). Practise, practise!

I imagine the tone flowing in circles though too... like a tounge whirl...


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18 minuter sedan, Dark Of Light säger:


Tog Ysta färsköl till pizzan i Kåseberga.  Götteligöttgött. Runt och  mustigt. Till min vegopizza. Trädgård hette den.

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2 timmar sedan, ewroL säger:

Mina sångråd på "complete vocal technique"-gruppen på facebook.

- Hey everyone! I’m new here, I wanted to know if you were able to develop a “mixed voice” and how you got it, thanks in advance :)

it requires muscle strength (tounge).

- Yes I know, but I’m asking for personal experiences and exercises

Begin at the bottom of the tounge to stretch it inwards and upwards VERY HARD (actually, the best would be that the tounge forms into a circle, but it's difficult).
And then try to sing at the same time this strength or friction in the voice is. Try any wovels, even screaming.
It's a little like learning to play a piano with two hands, to me. You now also have the tounge to focus on, and not just the getting the song out.

- wow thanks! It sounds really difficult, where can I find some examples?

The more you stretch and pull the tounge inwards and upwards, the more heaviness is possible to apply to the voice. However...
Remember that only the tounge should be tensed. Not the throat.

Preferebly is the to place the push/force in the nose area however the sensation resonates all around the mouth area and even head [area].
You may also want to imagine/build a foundation/firmness of the song where the tounge usually rests.

For excellence I'd suggest the tone to be firmly and only pushed downwards (imagine a depth that keeps increasing). Practise, practise!

I imagine the tone flowing in circles though too... like a tounge whirl...

Låter lite som övertons- och strupsång. Jag försöker spela didgerido vilket kräver glasblåsarandning.

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27 minuter sedan, Dark Of Light säger:

Låter myyycket gott. Vegopizza? Vad innehöll den?

Färska rödbetor rödpaprika nån ostkräm salladsblad parmesan. Gillar verkligen ost med smak. 


Man vat det är en kvalitetspizza om man slipper den där oljiga kålsalladen.

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7 timmar sedan, Algotezza säger:

Låter lite som övertons- och strupsång. Jag försöker spela didgerido vilket kräver glasblåsarandning.

Ja men jag är lur på att de bästa sångdivorna vet att tungan är allt. central.


Jag skulle säga att man ska spänna tungan uppåt och bakåt i munnen i en cirkel så mycket man bara kan, det gör inget om det gör ont (ungefär som tandskötarna säger till lågstadieeleverna att det gör inget om det börjar blöda i tandköttet när du borstar tänderna). Man börjar i tungroten.
"gömma" tungan från tonen, som man ska "hoppa" fram/ut. Gärna prova skrika. Det är såhär på något sätt divorna har styrka att sjunga ut dem där mastodonta tonerna. Genom en tungstyrka, en medfödd begåvning. Har man inte den medfödd så är detta sättet. Enligt jag då. Push it out through tounge strength.

Rösten "lär sig" vart den varit nu. Det här är ju en övning. Att hålla tungan fixerad när man ska prestera live eller så är ju svårt.

Stämbanden sitter ju i tungans rot. Så vem vet vad man bökar med här... kanske nåt bra.

Redigerat av ewroL
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