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Swedish Melody Festival = SMFF Self Promotion


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Did you know that if you go back almost 35 years and look at the songwriters whose songs were chosen to be included in the Swedish melody festival, that almost 80% of them have participated in a previous contest? And, more than half of the new songwriters each year (the other 20%...) have music industry contacts. That means almost no amateur has a chance of getting their song into the contest.

Take a look at Melodifestivalen on Wikipedia or Susning.nu and follow the song writer links.

If thousands of songs are sent every year, how is it that the same people are chosen year after year, some of them more than once in a single year? Are they just such great songwriters that their melodies are far and above all the rest? Probably not. However, given that they have access to all of the great performers, producers and recording studios in Sweden, I'd imagine that their entries sound much better than all of the rest.

For instance, if Carola sings on your song entry, what do you think the chances of it getting chosen are? And that's the point. If the Swedish Melody Festival is to be what it name suggests, then why aren't melodies more important? Why aren't entries simple lead sheets with music, words and chords on them? If that were the case, people with multi-million kronor studios and access to recognizable voices wouldn't have a huge advantage over the thousands of amateurs who enter the contest. The contest wouldn't be a TV license paid Swedish music industry promotion and party every year. It would be a contest of Swedish song writers. No one is saying that the performers shouldn't be well know so that the public wants to see the show. Let's not get that side discussion started. The performers should be hand picked by SVT just like they are now... but not the song writers... It's the melodies that should be judged.

SVT claims that using lead sheets would take more time than listening to demos. Any musician knows that a good sight reader sitting at a keyboard can pick up a leadsheet and begin playing and singing faster than a CD can be put into a CD-player and index the first tune. The bottom line is that SVT wants to know which famous stars have entered by hearing their voices on the entry songs.

It is time that amateur Swedish musicians let the rest of Sweden know the the music festival should change its name to the Swedish Music Industry Annual Song Promotion by boycotting the contest. It would be better if Studio magazine held its own contest, using lead sheets, rather than demo CDs and billed it as the true Melody Festival. In the coming years SVT should have to say, 'There were 45 entries this year by the music industry, no amateurs wasted their time...'

Boycott the Swedish Music Festival and let the media know that you are doing it and why. Until leadsheets, that hide the identity of the songwriter, are used, the contest will continue to be an industry promotion paid for by the Swedish people through their TV licenses.

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Alla vet, ingen bryr sig.

Jag tror inte medel-svenne har en susning.nu om detta. För mig personligen Àr det inte ett problem men rent generellt sÄ Àr det helt Ät h...

Take a stand! Musicians write music because they have something to say...

Kanske det. Fast dÄ Àr nog inte ESC rÀtta forumet! :rolleyes:

Redigerat av Hellpig
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It is such a shame for Swedish musicians. It could be a great way for new talent to be found. Instead it is a classic big business runs over the little guy way of ramming the same old sh*t down the throat of the public. Quick frankly, I'm glad to have seen the monster band win this year... got to admit, here's one 50 year old who voted for them. hee hee.

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A quiet revolution... If one musician convinces another not to enter, who convinces another... how hard can it be to NOT send in an almost worthless entry. The point is to communicate with one another. The amateur musical community is not that large.

Maybe next year the quiet revolution will have succeeded. It will be easy to tell. When SVT sees a drop in the number of entries

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Om en musiker övertygar en annan att inte stĂ€lla upp.. kommer inte de dĂ€r 80% som varit med innan bli 100% eftersom dom inte direkt har nĂ„n anledning att bojkotta nĂ„got och dĂ€rmed kan fĂ„ med fler bidrag? 😄

Redigerat av kartan
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I live in Sweden and understand Swedish... but I write like a 6 year old when I try to express myself in Swedish. So, when I participate in forums like this, I read the Swedish but reply in English.

I got started on the Boycott the Melodifestivalen a couple years ago after looking into the statistics of the contest. There is a huge skewing of the numbers indicating that the way it is run is not correct. I realized that SVT was doing Swedish musicians a huge dis-service by making them think that they could accomplish something by spending hours and hours to do a demo and send it into the contest. In reality, SVT gets literally thousands of people to donate their time so that SVT can say 'There were over XXXX entries this year.' to make the contest sound really big among musicians, which gives the impression to the Swedish people that the best musicians and melodies are available each year. NOT TRUE!

One would think that a government run television service would be less prone to self supporting propaganda... but sadly no. So, I'm asking musicians to talk to each other and save themselve a lot of time and trouble by not participating in the contest until such a time that lead sheets are used instead of demo tapes that let SVT know which famous musician is involved with the writers... 😄

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Om en musiker övertygar en annan att inte stĂ€lla upp.. kommer inte de dĂ€r 80% som varit med innan bli 100% eftersom dom inte direkt har nĂ„n anledning att bojkotta nĂ„got och dĂ€rmed kan fĂ„ med fler bidrag? 😄

That's true, but interestingly, it is the total number that suffers. The music industry always enters about 100 or so songs. But, their songs have ten time the chance of being selected. After a few years of 'We had over 100 songs to choose fromt this year...' I think things might change. What's the use of 1000s of musicians sending in songs that have no chance of being chosen, just so SVT can make the contest sound bigger than it is? In this case, the best way of bringing about a change is to NOT make your music heard...

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ItÂŽs the way things have allways been on SVT - if you donÂŽt know the right people youÂŽre not even in the competition, so to speak!

I remember like 15 years ago my music-teacher was all excited "Me and I friend wrote a song that might be chosen for the Melodifestivalen"

Me, a kid who somehow (morningpaper perhaps) knew that everyone could send in their song, asked after a couple of minutes, trying to be

as nice as possible, if not everyone and his brother could send their song in?

He just smiled, as if I were a kid (... I was), and said Oh that, thatÂŽs just for show, (seriously) you have to know the right people to even be considered,

and (happily) my friend does! and then the lesson started and I were to play a piece of music I barely even looked at ... as usual 😄!

Redigerat av Hans
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Jag har faktiskt funderat pĂ„ att bojkotta festivalen 😎

Det skulle innebĂ€ra att antalet inskickade bidrag halverades 😄

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One would think that a government run television service would be less prone to self supporting propaganda... but sadly no.

Bara ett klargörande, SVT styrs inte av regeringen. SVT Àr inte ens statligt i ordets egentliga bemÀrkelse. SVT, SR och UR Àr tre separata bolag som Àgs och drivs av en stiftelse. Licensavgiften drivs in av RIKAB (RadiotjÀnst i Kiruna AB) som ocksÄ Àr en del av koncernen. Storleken pÄ licensavgiften faststÀlls av riksdagen. (En viktig anledning till at det Àr just en avgift och inte en skatt, Àr att en skatt blir mycket mer beroende av sittande regerings nycker.) Det Àr denna organisation som gör att SVT kan driva kampanjen "Fri Television".

Att hÀvda stÄndpunkten att ESC skall handla om melodierna, inte om artist eller framtrÀdande, Àr oerhört naivt. Personligen föredrar jag en hyfsad lÄt framförd av en riktigt bra artist, framför en bÀttre lÄt som slaktas av nÄgon utan kÀnsla eller utstrÄlning.

Och om det nu Àr sÄ att det krÀvs ett förlagsavtal för att ha nÄgon chans att komma med: ja, kan du skriva riktigt bra lÄtar och Àr beredd att lÀgga ner en jÀkla massa jobb, sÄ borde det inte vara nÄgot problem att förr eller senare fÄ ett förlag intresserat. Verkar som att mÄnga vill att melodifestivalen skall vara nÄgon slags grÀddfil för amatörer. "Det Àr bara kontakter som rÀknas", sÀgs det ofta. Men skaffa kontakterna dÄ!

Avslutningsvis: "It would be better if Studio magazine held its own contest". Det har vi. Fast vi accepterar ocksĂ„ bara demos. 😄 Festival pĂ„gĂ„r just nu. Rösta hĂ€r!

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HĂ„ller med Signert.

Det kan vara vÀrt de extra pengar det kostar att hyra in en duktig sÄngerska eller sÄngare till exempel. Om man ser pÄ Carolas bidrag i festivalen senast sÄ Àr det bara en förklÀdd dansbandslÄt egentligen (samma var det med Charlotte Perellis lÄt) men hon gör den till en jÀkligt stark lÄt.

Framförandet Àr nog allt i melodifestivalsammanhang.

Redigerat av Bebopkeys
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Bara ett klargörande, SVT styrs inte av regeringen. SVT Àr inte ens statligt i ordets egentliga bemÀrkelse. SVT, SR och UR Àr tre separata bolag som Àgs och drivs av en stiftelse. Licensavgiften drivs in av RIKAB (RadiotjÀnst i Kiruna AB) som ocksÄ Àr en del av koncernen. Storleken pÄ licensavgiften faststÀlls av riksdagen. (En viktig anledning till at det Àr just en avgift och inte en skatt, Àr att en skatt blir mycket mer beroende av sittande regerings nycker.) Det Àr denna organisation som gör att SVT kan driva kampanjen "Fri Television".

Nja, regeringen bestÀmmer vÀl bÄde direkt vem chefen för SVT Àr samt indirekt huruvida SVT ska fÄ mindre eller mer Àn sina "licenspengar"!

SÄ detta hÀr med Fri Televison Àr kanske inte lögn dock antagligen aaaningen överdrivet! SVT = Socialdemokratiska VÀnskaps Televisionen

Àr mÄhÀnda Àven det överdrivet :rolleyes:!

AngÄende Carolas senaste lÄt sÄ var ju det egentligen en ABBA-lÄt! MÄste vara han som alla sÀger snor som skrivit den?

(The winner takes it all, om ngn undrar, bra lĂ„t för övrigt... i ABBAÂŽs version 🙂!

Redigerat av Hans
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Helt plagierat Àr det ju inte. G:son tog ju bort nÄgra toner frÄn melodin i originalet - förmodligen precis lagom stor skillnad för att Björn & Benny inte ska kunna stÀmma för plagiat... :rolleyes:

För övrigt sĂ„ har Ă€mnet diskuterats i en mĂ€ngd trĂ„dar - fler i Ă„r Ă€n tidigare. Ett par av alla dessa trĂ„dar, för den som orkar...: 🙂




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Nja, regeringen bestÀmmer vÀl bÄde direkt vem chefen för SVT Àr samt indirekt huruvida SVT ska fÄ mindre eller mer Àn sina "licenspengar"!

Oavsett, sÄ Àr det som sagt extremt mycket som bestÀms av "dom som bestÀmmer" Àven om det inte pÄ pappret Àr sÄ!

SÄ detta hÀr med Fri televison Àr nog aaaningen överdrivet! SVT = Socialdemokratiska VÀnskaps Televisionen Àr mÄhÀnda Àven det överdrivet :rolleyes:!

Nej, VD för SVT utses av SVT:s styrelse. Ägarstiftelsens styrelse tillsĂ€tts av regeringen, men i bred politisk enighet, sĂ„ det dĂ€r med sossetelevisionen Ă€r ganska grundlöst. DĂ€remot Ă€r det sant att framför allt moderaterna vill se en smalare public service-verksamhet Ă€n vĂ€nsterblocket, men det Ă€r en annan sak.

Licenspengarna gÄr in pÄ ett konto, det s.k. rundradiokontot- Regeringen beslutar om fördelningen av dessa pengar till public service-bolagen, men den springande punkten Àr att det aldrig gÄr via statsbudgeten.

Orkar inte mala vidare om detta. GÄ in pÄ PS-bolagens hemsidor, dÀr finns det mer info.

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One would think that a government run television service would be less prone to self supporting propaganda... but sadly no.

Bara ett klargörande, SVT styrs inte av regeringen. SVT Àr inte ens statligt i ordets egentliga bemÀrkelse. SVT, SR och UR Àr tre separata bolag som Àgs och drivs av en stiftelse. Licensavgiften drivs in av RIKAB (RadiotjÀnst i Kiruna AB) som ocksÄ Àr en del av koncernen. Storleken pÄ licensavgiften faststÀlls av riksdagen. (En viktig anledning till at det Àr just en avgift och inte en skatt, Àr att en skatt blir mycket mer beroende av sittande regerings nycker.) Det Àr denna organisation som gör att SVT kan driva kampanjen "Fri Television".

Att hÀvda stÄndpunkten att ESC skall handla om melodierna, inte om artist eller framtrÀdande, Àr oerhört naivt. Personligen föredrar jag en hyfsad lÄt framförd av en riktigt bra artist, framför en bÀttre lÄt som slaktas av nÄgon utan kÀnsla eller utstrÄlning.

Och om det nu Àr sÄ att det krÀvs ett förlagsavtal för att ha nÄgon chans att komma med: ja, kan du skriva riktigt bra lÄtar och Àr beredd att lÀgga ner en jÀkla massa jobb, sÄ borde det inte vara nÄgot problem att förr eller senare fÄ ett förlag intresserat. Verkar som att mÄnga vill att melodifestivalen skall vara nÄgon slags grÀddfil för amatörer. "Det Àr bara kontakter som rÀknas", sÀgs det ofta. Men skaffa kontakterna dÄ!

Avslutningsvis: "It would be better if Studio magazine held its own contest". Det har vi. Fast vi accepterar ocksÄ bara demos. :rolleyes: Festival pÄgÄr just nu. Rösta hÀr!

Jo det Àr la sant som du sÀger men dÄ kan de vÀl sÀga det rakt ut ocksÄ o inte smussla o sÀga att festivalen Àr nÄgon slags demokratisk tÀvling dÀr alla har lika stor chans att vinna.

För min del fÄr de göra som de vill eftersom jag avskyr skiten men de kan ju inte hÄlla pÄ som de gör nu o ha en tÀvling som i grund o botten verkar bygga pÄ en stor jÀvla lögn... Det Àr ju solklart att det Àr ekonomiska intressen som styr hela tÀvlingen, pÄ bÀsta sÀndningstid, REKLAM för nÄn överreklamerad artist i den statliga (förlÄt, fria) televisionen... Sen reproduceras det hela om o om igen, samma pers som stÄtt o sjungt sina lÄtar frÄn sin kommande platta i melodifestivalen fÄr komma till SÄ ska det lÄta etc o fortsÀtta sin marknadsföring... O allt detta pga att de precis som vem som helst kunde vara med o tÀvla i melodifestivalen... We call it propaganda...

men det Àr vÀl bara en spegling av allt övrigt som sker hÀr i samhÀllet, pust en droppe i havet...

Oj, sorry, nu kanske jag brusade upp lite, men man mÄste ju fÄ sÀga som man tycker!

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Melodifestivalen Àr precis som skivbranchen (och mÄnga andra brancher för den delen), utan kontakter Àr man inte med i matchen - man sitter pÄ lÀktaren!

Du mÄste fortfarande vara riktigt bra (ibland kanske bÀst) för att "vinna" men grundförutsÀttningen för att fÄ vara med i "tÀvlingen" Àr kontakter!

Kontakter kan man skaffa genom att vara vÀldigt aktiv musikaliskt och/eller socialt sÄ man mÄste inte ha dom i slÀkten eller nÄt!

Dock, tro aldrig man kan lyckas utan kontakter - det har aldrig aldrig hÀnt!

Om ngn pÄstÄr ngt annat Àr detta helt enkelt inte med sanningen överensstÀmmande :rolleyes:!

Det finns inga artister som "upptÀckts", alla dom historierna Àr efterkonstruktioner!

SÄ, precis som med allt annat i livet sÄ gÀller det att jobba hÄrt om man vill lyckas! Jobba hÄrt innebÀr att man jobbar hÄrt pÄ musiken OCH

att man jobbar hÄrt pÄ att skaffa sig de rÀtta kontakterna! Detta Àr enda sÀttet att nÄ framgÄng!

SÄ, NEJ man man inte skicka in en demo och fÄ skivkontrakt eller skicka in en demo och fÄ in sitt bidrag i melodifestivalen!

Det vore som att först fylla i en Lotto-kupong, sedan inte betala in den för att slutligen sĂ€tta sig och vĂ€nta och tro man har chansen att bli miljonĂ€r 🙂!

Redigerat av Hans
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Jo det Àr la sant som du sÀger men dÄ kan de vÀl sÀga det rakt ut ocksÄ o inte smussla o sÀga att festivalen Àr nÄgon slags demokratisk tÀvling dÀr alla har lika stor chans att vinna.

Det Àr just detta som gör att mÄnga amatörmusiker blir upprörda.

Att det hÀvdas att det Àr en tÀvling som Àr öppen för alla - men nÀr tÀvlingen Àger rum, sÄ slÀngs det i ansiktet pÄ alla amatörer som har skickat in bÀttre lÄtar, att de "fantastiska" bidragen som kom med i finalerna, minsann Àr grÀddan av över 3000 bidrag som har skickats in...

Hade det sagts officiellt att tĂ€vlingen enbart Ă€r till för signade lĂ„tskrivare och att det Ă€r meningslöst att skicka in bidrag om man inte gĂ„r genom sitt förlag, sĂ„ hade det varit en helt annan femma - och det hade kunnat accepteras pĂ„ ett helt annat sĂ€tt - men nĂ€r det pĂ„stĂ„s att allt som har skickats in av vanliga dödliga, Ă€r SÄMRE Ă€n det skit som kommer till final, sĂ„ Ă€r det inte ett dugg konstigt om folk blir irriterade...

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The point of the boycott is that SVT does make a big deal about asking everyone to send in a song. I've got nothing against the music industry having a song contest to send to Eurovision if they want to do that, as long as everyone is playing on the same page, so to speak, and everyone knows what their TV license is paying for. What I want to see stopped is this senseless Santa Claus lie that SVT tells every year to young hopeful songwriters. I think that is unethical and irresponsible.

OR... I want to see them adopt a rule change that only allows lead sheets to be sent in. That would make it more difficult (though not impossible) for the industry to cut to the front of the line.

OR... I want the name changed to 'Best Produced Demo with the most Star Studded Cast Contest'... 😳

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Postat (redigerat)
Bara ett klargörande, SVT styrs inte av regeringen.

Yes and I'm not steered by my wife either... 😉 While the two are not directly coupled, one might say that they get up on different sides of the same bed every morning.

If you see laws that are not in favor of SVT get passed (or laws that make it easier to have private TV and radio) then you'll see more criticism of the government on the air. If you see too much critique of the government, then you'll see laws that support 'state' media and SVT funding under attack. It's not a perfect marriage, but it works. In fact, industry... one might think of as the child of the family still sleeps with his parents when he has bad dreams... 😳

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One easy way and to be frank quite obvious and obligatory way to conduct a competition is that the jury

1 is not solely publishing companies choosing between their own songs and the songs of amateurs (this make me laugh every time 😳!)

ItÂŽs hard but unfair!

2 is listening to the songs without the knowledge of who the composer is!

To not exclude the 2 above is absurd but also the way the "competition" is setup today!

Redigerat av Hans
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One easy way and to be frank quite obvious and obligatory way to conduct a competition is that the jury

1 is not solely publishing companies choosing between their own songs and the songs of amateurs (this make me laugh every time 😳!)

ItÂŽs hard but unfair!

2 is listening to the songs without the knowledge of who the composer is!

To not exclude the 2 above is absurd but also the way the "competition" is setup today!

I think that it is important to separate production, performers and arrangement from the melody if one is to call it a 'Melodifestivalen'. As well, hearing an arrangement or a singer's voice is a very strong clue as to who sent in an entry.

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I agree with you but considering how extremely unfair the competition is today one might start with the absurd that one competitor can choose

between either their own songs or someoneelses songs! Hmmm which one®ll they most likely choose 😆? But wait it®s easy to check! So hold on...

Ok I checked and can now inform you all that what they did chose was their own songs, the publishing companies is saying that this was beacuse

theirÂŽs was the best and... who can argue?

SVT have some new rule now that if you sing on the demo you have to sing it in the competition to exclude "Carola" singing on multiple demos!

Redigerat av Hans
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I agree with you but considering how extremely unfair the competition is today one might start with the absurd that one competitor can choose

between either their own songs or someoneelses songs! Hmmm which one®ll they most likely choose 😆? But wait it®s easy to check! So hold on...

Ok I checked and can now inform you all that what they did chose was their own songs, the publishing companies is saying that this was beacuse

theirÂŽs was the best and... who can argue?

SVT have some new rule now that if you sing on the demo you have to sing it in the competition to exclude "Carola" singing on multiple demos!

So the next question, or course, is how the Eurovision contest is run... What are the rules by which countries must abide to participate? How is the official 'host' of a country's contest chosen?

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SVT is a bit sensitive about this very question. Here's what it says on their homepage.

4. Varför kommer bara etablerade lÄtskrivare med i festivalen?

Detta Ă€r inte helt sant. Att skriva slagkraftiga lĂ„tar Ă€r visserligen nĂ„got som ofta krĂ€ver en lĂ„ng tids övning och erfarenhet. Etablerade lĂ„tskrivare vet ju sĂ„ att sĂ€ga hur slipstenen ska dras. Men det Ă€r trots allt ganska vanligt att nya lĂ„tskrivare fĂ„r vara med i Melodifestivalen. 2005 hade faktiskt hela 35 av 67 upphovsmĂ€n inte varit med i tĂ€vlingen tidigare. År 2006 Ă€r det 32 av 59 upphovsmĂ€n som Ă€r nya i festivalsammanhanget!

But their math is a bit confused, the question asks about established songwriters, their answer talks about the number of writers who weren't involved earlier (a bit under what I counted in previous years). That answer is misleading because it doesn't count established songwriters working in a team with old pros... Not much encouragement to amateurs without industry connections. And if you count the Thomas G:son types who are involved with more than one song, that number looks more like 32 out of 89. Each time Thomas G:son was involved in a song, he should be counted as a participant.

The real question, of course, is how many songs are written only by amateurs. I think this year that number would be... hmm... let me see if I added this up right...


I might have counted wrong, so here's the list of all the song writing participants.

Andreas Johnson, Peter Kvint, Calle Kindbom, Dan Fernström, Ingela "Pling" Forsman, Lars "Dille" Diedricson, Martin Hedström, Robert Olausson, Matti Alfonzetti, Johan Lyander, Sonya, Anders Glenmark, Niklas Strömstedt, Michael Clauss, Matthews Green, Carola HÀggkvist, Thomas G:son, Bobby Ljunggren, Henrik Wikström, Lina Eriksson, MÄrten Eriksson, Thomas G:son, Calle Kindbom,

Alexander Bard, Anders Hansson, Lars Åberg, Jan Schaffer, Niclas Molinder, Joacim Persson, Pelle Ankarberg, Ingela "Pling" Forsman, Bobby Ljunggren, Henrik Wikström, Mikael AnderfjĂ€rd, Andreas Nordqvist, Dan Attlerud, Patrik Isaksson, Thomas G:son, Marcos Ubeda, Simone Moreno, Anders von Hofsten, Andreas Unge, Andreas Kleerup, Anna Sahlin, Bobby Ljunggren, Henrik Wikström, Kristofer Stange, Adam Chiapponi, Stefan Wesström, Martin Landh, Joacim Dubbleman, Sam McCarthy, Daniel BĂ€ckström, Eddie Brown, Jens Duvsjö, Martin Carboo, Dan Larsson, Ingela "Pling" Forsman, Bobby Ljunggren, Henrik Wikström, Thomas G:son, Patrik Magnusson, Johan Ramström, Pablo Cepeda, Thomas G:son, Pontus Assarsson, Magnus Rongedal, Henrik Rongedal, Lotta Ahlin, Tommy Lydell, Niklas Edberger, Johan Fransson, Tobias Lundgren, Tim Larsson, Thomas G:son, Henrik Sethsson, Henrik Hansson, Anders HallbĂ€ck, Mats Söderlund, Anderz Wrethov, Johan Fransson, Tobias Lundgren, Niklas Edberger, Tim Larsson, Sandra Dahlberg, Evan, Malin Eriksson, Jonas Sjöström

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SVT is a bit sensitive about this very question. Here's what it says on their homepage.
4. Varför kommer bara etablerade lÄtskrivare med i festivalen?

Detta Ă€r inte helt sant. Att skriva slagkraftiga lĂ„tar Ă€r visserligen nĂ„got som ofta krĂ€ver en lĂ„ng tids övning och erfarenhet. Etablerade lĂ„tskrivare vet ju sĂ„ att sĂ€ga hur slipstenen ska dras. Men det Ă€r trots allt ganska vanligt att nya lĂ„tskrivare fĂ„r vara med i Melodifestivalen. 2005 hade faktiskt hela 35 av 67 upphovsmĂ€n inte varit med i tĂ€vlingen tidigare. År 2006 Ă€r det 32 av 59 upphovsmĂ€n som Ă€r nya i festivalsammanhanget!

But their math is a bit confused, the question asks about established songwriters, their answer talks about the number of writers who weren't involved earlier (a bit under what I counted in previous years). That answer is misleading because it doesn't count established songwriters working in a team with old pros... Not much encouragement to amateurs without industry connections. And if you count the Thomas G:son types who are involved with more than one song, that number looks more like 32 out of 89. Each time Thomas G:son was involved in a song, he should be counted as a participant.

The real question, of course, is how many songs are written only by amateurs. I think this year that number would be... hmm... let me see if I added this up right...


Men snÀlla, skriv pÄ svenska.

Kolla forumreglerna.

"12. Alla inlÀgg mÄste göras pÄ svenska, norska eller danska.

SÄ kallat "elite"-sprÄk Àr asocialt och försvÄrar för mÄnga andra medlemmar. Skriv med ett sprÄk som Àr lÀtt att förstÄ och som Àr tydligt. Humor uppskattas! "

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