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Open Letter to UAD Users, and a Note Regarding 64-bit Compatibility.


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"Dear UAD users -

Happy holidays.

Around this time each year, we tend to reflect on the past, and look forward to the future. 2011 has been a particularly good year for Universal Audio and the UAD platform, with the introduction of the UAD-2 Satellite and some exceptional new plug-ins. This year also marks the 10th anniversary for the UAD platform — a milestone we could not have achieved without your support.

Since we introduced the UAD DSP Accelerators in 2001, we've grown from just a few hundred users, to more than 45,000 owners worldwide. Over the past decade, we've introduced powerful new UAD hardware, as well as more than 50 new plug-ins, including groundbreaking titles with Ampex, EMT, Lexicon, Manley, Neve, SSL, Studer, and more.

Importantly, the high quality of these UAD products is directly related to your support — which literally funds the development of what we believe are the best audio processors in the world. Without this support, we would not be able to spend six months, nine months, or up to a full year developing our highly complex individual plug-in titles.

So for that, we sincerely thank you.

Looking forward, one increasingly common request is for UAD plug-ins to become fully 64-bit compliant. Rest assured, the UAD plug-in transition to 64-bit architecture will be completed in 2012.

Importantly, this 64-bit compatibility will come at no cost to our users. You have chosen to support us, and we will support you as audio processing standards evolve.

Again, thank you for using UAD Powered Plug-Ins. And please know that the best is yet to come.


Bill Putnam Jr.


Universal Audio Inc"

Källa: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Universal-Audio/23477253356?sk=wall

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Det gör väl skillnad teoretiskt i och med att det avlastar alla bitbridge som körs nu, men med en rapp dator så blir väl den praktiska skillnaden ganska liten. Hursomhelst så är det ju skönt när UAD äntligen kliver på tåget. Känns som dom står på sista perrongen utmed linjen, och det känns lite oseriöst att nöja sig med 2012 som tidsram när man vill profilera sig som ett premium brand.

100 spänn på att dom går 64 bit i patch 6.4

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  • 2 veckor senare...

Lite trådkapning nu, men hur är det med UAD och 64-bit, har inte orkat sätta mig in i det utan konstaterat att man inte har så mycket tid över som småbarnsförälder.

Jag har dubbla operativsystem på min studiodator, en disk med XP och en med Win7 64-bit men jag har problem att köra UAD pluggarna med Win7 64-bits systemet. Nu har jag ett UAD-1 kort om det har någon betydelse men det vore kul att få det att funka även med 64-bit system. är det helt enkelt så att UAD måste köra i 32-bit?

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