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Jag har fatt i uppgift pa min skola att gora en 30min presentation dar jag pretty much ska analysera produktionen av en sang och prata om varfor producenten/ljudteknikern/artisten valt att gora vad som ar gjor i laten och med vilka medel. Detta skall jag ocksa koppla till genren, vad som ar typiskt laten i fragas genre etc.

Jag skulle uppskatta jattemycket om nagon vill ge mig lite tips pa inressanta latar att ta en titt/lyssna pa. Har total idetorka och presentationen ar pa tisdag. Uh.

Sjalva uppgiften ska klargora foljande:

A solid understanding of the principles involved in ‘production analysis’

Awareness of artistic, musical & genre issues

Ability to match these issues with the work in question

Thoroughly applies production analysis principles to a recording

Outlines all of key issues and matches these with appropriate examples from the recording

Is presented extremely clearly and confidently, and is evidently well prepared and rehearsed

Makes excellent and appropriate use of visual aids

Identifies transferable ideas and provides concrete examples of their use

Shows high levels of background research

Approaches the task with a highly original perspective

...vilket ger mig lite prestationsangest, det ar ett otroligt svart val.


/ Josefine


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