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Problem med "inspelning" med mitt m-audio 2496


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Kopierar rakt av mitt mejl till deras (lite kassa) support, där av den knackliga skolengelskan. Nej, jag orkar inte översätta just nu, utan är bara glad om nån svarar- Tack på förhand.


I have bought an Audiophile 2496 and installed in my PC. I also reinstalled Windows at the same time.

Earlier I have had an integrated sound-chip on my motherboard (ABIT) and I turned this of in the BIOS before installing my new sound-card.

However, with my old sound-card I could record whatever sound that my computer played trough various programs. I used to use Focus MP3 Recorder for this. (http://www.focussoft.net/Recorder.html).

With my new m-audio sound-card that dosn´t work. I get an error-message reading; "access violation at adress 004F8E09 in module FMR.exe. Read of adress 00000000. And when I tries to record there is only silence.

Same problem occures when I try other simliar programs. It´s not allways the same error-message, but theres never any sound recorded.

I have installed the sound-card as the instructions provided stated, and it works well with all other sound-applications (Reason, Media player etc.)

What is wrong?


Oscar Heimeryd

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Katla (oregistrerad)

En allmän fråga bara. Måste man stänga av det integrerade ljudkortet? Jag är helt nollställd då det gäller datorer och musik. Sorry om jag kapade din tråd. Blev nyfiken bara. 😆

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