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english coach

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Inlägg av english coach

  1. Ok, I've been asked to say a bit about myself. I fear this is going to read like bragging so before anyone criticises me for it, I WAS asked and it's hard to leave bits out.

    I began my career as an actor in England playing classical roles but always had music as a sideline.I was also the first dialect teacher at the drama school I was trained at. After several years of the usual struggle, I was invited to tour a play in Sweden, which I did. That was 1980. I returned to England the end of that year and was unemployed apart from reading a couple of short stories for BBC radio. Sound, especially different dialects has always been a preferable speciality where I'm concerned.

    In March '81 I was asked to tour another play in Sweden and to cut a very long story short, a wife, 3 adult children and a divorce later, I'm still here!!

    I began writing songs, doing trubabur gigs and generally getting more and more into the music scene as time went by. I've missed selection for the Eurovision thing like missing a train by 2 minutes, chucked out at the 11th hour!! I've writen with 3 different co writers and I continue to do so with 2 of em. I've played in Nashville and Hong Kong, to name 2 extreme sort of exotic places.

    I narrate info and education films, create character voices for cartoons made by Swedish production companies hoping for success abroad. I've acted in a couple of Swedish movies one of which I co wrote and performed the theme song for. A particlarly bloody action thriller which is basically rubbish and I'm not proud of it ....and tv programmes. I have 2 voiced commercials runnning in Sweden right now. One on radio in Swedish with my appalling Swedish accent but that's what they wanted- an exaggerated 'brytning'. I said I don't have to overdo it. It's what you get! Plus a tv commercial for a bank, where I post synced a Swedish actor with a southern States drawl.

    Finally I teach English conversation part time at Medborgarskolan.

  2. sorry but I often hear you as jew. Spoken and sung. However I'm not trying to offend. Most Swedes speak better English than I will ever speak Swedish. I'm just here to assist if anyone feels they need it. I earn a reasonable part of my living doing it.

  3. Sweden produces some great singers and musicians but sometimes when they sing in English the pronunciation leaves a little to be desired. The most common problem is the English 'y' sound as in 'you', which because of the Swedish sound of a 'j'comes out as 'jou'. I'm here to coach you out of that if you'd like.

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