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Fantastiska utlåtanden! 😛http://www.pearldrummersforum.com/printthread.php?t=222507

För att citera några:

"This is from last week. Drummer walks in for session.

Me: Why dont you go load your kit in.

Drummer: I dont have one, I thought we were going MIDI"


"The drummer looks at me and says "I know a bit about recording you know."

"OK" I reply

"The drummer never has to wear headphones"

"Really" i say.

"Nope, it ****s with the groove" says he.

"Okay" I say, "You don';t have to wear headphones then"."


"me: "your timefeel sucks bigtime, shakey as a$s"

drummer: "I always stick to the bassplayer"

me: "oh. could you stick to the metronome now?"

drummer: "what's a metronome?"




"I notice that the drummer is actually making the sound... kind of "humming" along to the track he is playing to.

I tell him "hey, this sound is going to be there unless you stop humming."

He says "Well, can't you just EDIT it out?"




"A band came to record a 300 $ demo.

The drummer tells me: "Man I want drums sound like Metallica´s Black Album"




"DRUMMER: "I want my drums to sound like cannons firing"

ME "Are you sure that would be appropriate for a traditional country song?"

DRUMMER "Hmmm, OK maybe more like gunshots"."


Jag läste allt, underbart! Det är lurt att trummisarna är de mest härligt sjuka av oss allihop som fallit offer för rocknrollen. Vi brukade för länge sen spela fre-lör på ett riktigt dynghak med taskigt betalt. Trummisen fann på råd att bättra på gaget, han hade en rejäl hockeytrunk han brukade ha stativen i. Efter fredagsspelningen när vi skulle lämna prylarna fyllde vi alltid trunken med starköl och bar den med oss. Sen söp vi till ända tills långt in på lördan.

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