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BluGuitar GmbH/ Germany - September 16th, 2019 (ictw) - With the AMP1™ IRIDIUM EDITION BluGuitar introduce a pedalboard amp that is completely new researched, developed, designed and merciless voiced for modern Metal.


In cooperation with experienced, international metal guitarists, BluGuitar founder and professional guitarist Thomas Blug has developed this new amp from the ground up and, unlike the acclaimed AMP1™ MERCURY EDITION, he voiced the IRIDIUM uncompromisingly towards modern metal.

Three independent, discrete OVERDRIVE channels deliver rich and tight distortion sounds that can be changed in gain structure and timbre. Each of these channels offers different kinds of attack, response, and dynamics. The CLEAN channel, with its massive headroom and treble reserves, delivers transparent, sparkling clean sounds even in conjunction with mid-heavy humbuckers.

MODERN – With its extremely high gain reserves, this channel delivers crystal-clear string separation through a massive low-cut, and the Custom Control TONE knob lets you dial from a “cut thru the mix” solo sound to the typical “maximum brutality” mid scoop.

CLASSIC – Due to the hard distortion characteristics and the specially tuned bass filter, this channel is percussive and significantly wider and harder in the mid-range than VINTAGE. The mid-range can be shaped by the Custom Control TONE from “Hot Rodded British High Gain” to “Teutonic wall of sound“.

VINTAGE – Tight and mid-emphasized woody sounds that are transmitted tightly especially using extreme low tunings while delivering creamy midrange distortion.

CLEAN – Massive headroom thanks to the 100 watt power amp and treble reserves, which give even mid-emphasized humbuckers a transparent, sparkling clean sound. The optimal platform for pedals like shimmer reverb, modulation or delay.
Thomas is a legendary intellectual creator of tube-driven pedal amps. He started developing products for well-known manufacturers in the early 1990s, some of which today are regarded as the milestones of true tube pedals. Both the AMP1™ MERCURY EDITION and the AMP1™ IRIDIUM EDITION are the results of this unique expertise.

AMP1™ IRIDIUM EDITION will show up at the Guitar Summit 2019 (www.guitarsummit.de) from Sept.27th - September 29th 2019 in Mannheim, Germany. The amp can be played and listened at multiple testing stations and at the BluGuitar booth # 223

A dedicated AMP1™  IRIDIUM EDITION workshop is scheduled for Saturday September 28th from 17:15 - 18:00 at the Recording Stage. Thomas Blug and Frank Fleckenstein will guide through this special Metal workshop.

Pricing and Availability
AMP1™  IRIDIUM EDITION will be available after November 1st, 2019 from dealers worldwide for USD 849,- Euro 799,- and GBP 810,-

Read more here

Edited by Studio

Hej @medlem 935256,

Du har så klart rätt att anmärka på regeln eftersom den är skriven som den är. I sak håller vi med dig. Studio forum är en sajt på svenska, i huvudsak för svenskar och skandinaver.

Vad som postas i det här specifika fallet är pressmeddelanden där det stora flertalet är skrivna på engelska. Och eftersom vi tror att vår tid läggs bättre på annat än att skriva om pressmeddelanden till svenska så publiceras de som de är. Och vi gör det så klart för att vi hoppas och tror att de har ett värde för Studio forums besökare.

För att inte bidra till några fler frågor i ämnet så formulerar vi om regeln till att tillåta engelska. Vi är ganska övertygade om att språket är något som är ganska självreglerande, och att regelns existensberättigande kanske inte är så stort ändå.

Med vänlig hälsning,

Björn och Andreas

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